Friday 13 November 2015

Notes from the Conference

Bill Thompson: What does the internet do for me?

  • "the internet allows open to innovation..."
  • "Network is becoming seemless and very fast - accessable..."
  • "Internet is valuable for free speech but is not yet safe..."
  • "The internet is replacing many things such as newspapers..."

Ways to use the internet: 

  1. Connection (citizen journalism, social networking)
  2. Information (articles news all over the worls)
  3. Voices in your head
  4. Political action
  5. Cartias and campaighning 
  6. Financial reward
  7. Games
  8. Learning
  9. friendship

However has some negatives...

  1. Bullying
  2. Unwanted porn
  3. Images of child sexual abuse
  4. Abuse
  5. Scams and rip offs
  6. Fraud
  7. conspiracy theories
  8. The dark web (hacking and inappropriateness)

"Over 50% of newspapers are controlled by billionaires e.g Rupert Murdoch"
"Stuart Hall - role of society - 'commonsense"
Rob Watson and Pete Fraser - film production
"Never simply about journalists behaving badly - it is about power

Media power:

  1. Power over: 
  2. Media content
  3. journalists
  4. audiences
  5. government
  6. Power to:
  7. censor
  8. mislead
  9. set the agenda
  10. Media and democracy?

Diversity and plurality

  1. Last few decades - 
  2. Rolling news
  3. Free newspapers
  4. mobile apps
  5. online news
  6. Cut and paste journalists - 'cut and paste from the daily mail'
  7. Hackgate - corruption of power

Chris Jeffres - documentry

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