Rotten Tomatoes
- 72% from critics at rotten tomatoes and an average rate of 6.6 out of 10
- The critics said "gut wrenching and emotionally effecting" suggesting that the performance from the actors were strong enough to create such as strong emotional effect
- out of 80000 78% of the audience said they liked it.
- The audience also rated this film 3.9 out of 5 on average, although this film was criticised for being a typical black history film.

- An average rating of 4 out of 5
- "the butler might bite of more history than it can chew, but it packs a strong sustained emotional punch" suggesting that it covers allot of black history therefore has allot of black representations in it.
- "superb performance"
- " an ambitious sweep through Americas racial history"
- this film is really key in showing the different opinions of citizens in america both with the mistreatment of black american citizen and politically as they showed events from the presidents perspective.
Daily mail
- "lacks a bit of polish"
- an average rating of 3 out of 5
- "Oprah's white house drama is way over the top" was the main character in the criticism by daily mail, they said her acting wasn't good enough to play such a powerful role.
- "he butler is not well served for its own ambition" suggesting that the critics in Daily mail didn't think the film created the impression it was trying to create, so they were really harsh with their ratings.
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